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Amiga GOTEK USB Flash Drive – Games / Demos / Utilities (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)


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Our setup guide for the Amiga GOTEK USB floppy emulator has been hugely popular with the Amiga community. Since publishing the article we’ve had a constant flow of emails from Amiga owners looking for a USB disk image of our setup or looking for help getting a drive together for it.

We know your time is precious and you’d rather be playing your belove Amiga rather than hunting down, organising and loading games, utilities and demos onto a flash drive. Why not let us do the hard work for you with our preloaded Retro32 Amiga GOTEK flash drive.

Introducing the Retro32 GOTEK USB drive containing over 13,000 ADF files – these include

  • Amiga Public Domain Games  – 4115 ADF Files
  • Amiga Public Domain Utilities and Applications – 3852 ADF files
  • Blank ADF disk Images – 5 ADF Files + archive
  • Amiga Demos / Music / Demo Scene – 4476 ADF Files
  • Amiga Cover disks – 784 ADF files
  • Retro32’s Top Public Domain Game Pack – 31 of our favorite Amiga PD Games

This little lot totals over 13,000 ADF files taking up 11GB in space. We also include the selector program.

We are happy to customize the contents of the drive. We have access to a large repository of Amiga ADF files, please get in touch if you’d like us to make any changes to what is supplied.

You can simply pop it in and away you go!

What do you get?

  • 1 x 16GB Sandisk USB flash drive (Mirco USB drive)
  • Email link to our GOTEK Setup guide, YouTube Video and further ADF download locations

!! Please note !! We are NOT selling the Public domain games/applications or utilities. The files contained on the drive are a gift with the purchase of the USB flash drive. All ADF images are either shareware and or public domain. Please support the Amiga development community and pay/donate if you enjoy their software. This drive DOES NOT contain “retail” or pirated games.

32/64GB Version now available

We are now offering a 32 / 64GB version of our USB sticks with absolutely every Amiga ADF file we have access to. Make of that as you will. It will also include all of the above plus another 12,200 files.

We take NO responsibility for the ADF files contained – there are simply waaaaaaay too many for us to test them all. If you’re unsure please do get in touch – [email protected]

Note – FlashFloppy is free software. For more information see the license.

Additional information


16GB, 64GB, 32GB


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