I know ALL you Amiga heads remember Scorched Tanks!

This Amiga Public Domain classic was a sure-fire way to settle rivalries with up to 4 players in a terraformed battle to the death. Whilst it couldn’t compete with the likes of Worms in my eyes, it was still one of the best public domain titles on the Amiga full stop.

Later versions such as this featured a vast number of weapons and powerups for your beloved armored weapons platforms.


You can download the version 1.90 of Scorched Tanks below – for use on your Gotek – more on that here.

**Update 27/04/2020** Since this article was so popular we’ve put together a download pack for all your favorite Public Domain games. Check it out below


Watch me take on (and lose) agains the might of my Amiga 1200 CPU player. I was robbed!


As well as all the game videos we’ve been pumping out recently, we’ve also got a number of other Amiga guides. Check out the links below
