Our good friends and long time supporters of Retro32 – NeoKorteX are pleased to announce the release of their new Xmas intro entitled. Seasonal GFX, ascii, Xmas high jinx and of course.. A SCROLLER.
This little beaut of an intro features a rather stern-looking frosty taking a festive stroll through this stunning scrolling visual feast. Accompanying the lush graphics and catchy Christmas tunes are the wise words from the group rounding up what has been a rather sh!t year for many of us.
It’s great to see the demo scene thriving and putting out these little belters and we can’t wait to see what Neokortex has in store for us in 2021. Cheers Guys!
Click to check out the Seasonal GFX, ascii, Xmas high jinx and of course.. A SCROLLER.
Screen Shots

That’s one bloody tasty Ascii by FuZioN – well done old boy!