We sell quite a few A500 goodies and as expected things don’t always go as planned, luckily WE put our customers first and work out these issues so people can enjoy their buying experience from Retro32.

To help those struggling with A500 mini issues we’ve put together our top Common Issues and fixes them for the mighty little Amiga.

A500 won’t detect USB Drives / USB Devices / Instability

The top issue we hear about is the A500 not detecting either USB drives or devices. This is (most often) due to insufficient power. Although the Mini comes with a power cable it doesn’t come with a power adapter. Many of the USB adapters found in a draw or collecting dust are often low-power (low AMP) USB adapters. We recommend using one with at least 2 AMPS for the best experience when using additional devices such as USB sticks, wireless controller adapters and peripherals.

Insufficient power can also cause system instability and issues reading from USB sticks reliably, we’ve seen lots of examples when people are using the software packages such as AGS or Aminimiga.

We would strongly recommend any power supply aimed at the Raspberry Pi 4. They are “most often” at least 2 AMPs with many of them 3 AMPs. You can find some below from Amazon.

Rasberry Pi 4 USB Power Supply from Amazon


Here’s a little email back from a happy customer. He was ready to return the A500 mini back to Amazon.

USB Hubs – devices not working / instability

Like the issue with the power supply, using an unpowered hub may render the devices plugged in pretty much useless. We’d recommend a powered hub to ensure they work as expected and also to ensure there’s enjoy power for the devices plugged directly into the mini. The first item below is the one we use on our mini. Just make sure it is a USB A NOT USB C

Powered USB hub on Amazon (USB A ONLY) – https://amzn.to/4fyKCo4


Poor USB performance

Be careful when buying cheap USB sticks from Amazon. Many are fake and not the speed / size advertised. We’d always recommend buying from a reputable supplier or sold and dispatched by Amazon. Also, be wary of sellers selling cheap A500 mini USB game sticks. These are often incomplete and do not support the developers. We work with the creators of the USB game packages and ensure a proportion of the sales go back to them.

Here are some examples of sticks we have used (again USB A only) – We recommend 64GB Amazon https://amzn.to/3VYacf6


If possible also use a USB3 stick. It makes copying to and from the stick from your PC much faster. USB2 can be quite slow.

USB Formatting – FAT32

The mini requires USB sticks to be formatted in FAT32. This can be a pain, especially for large sticks. We’ve covered it in more detail below

Amiga 500 A500 Mini guide – How to format a large USB stick with FAT32

The picture doesn’t fit on the screen

It’s been reported by many users that the image displayed from the mini either doesn’t fill the TV screen or goes beyond its boundary – this is caused by overscan and screen scaling settings. Many TVs have a button on the remote that allows you to set the screen size/ratio. It’s sometimes called overscan. It’s not the same for all TVs but it’s normally in the picture settings in the TV menu.

If you have specific settings/options that resolved it on your TV then please let us know in the comments. It may help others with a similar issue with the same TV.

Our A500 mini product range

Lastly, it’s time for a plug of our A500 mini products. USB Joystick adapters, brackets, USB sticks and mouse mats. Enjoy!


Recommended Products for your Amiga Mini

Our recommended products for your Amiga Mini from Amazon (UK)

Let’s hear from you!

Have you encountered an issue with the A500 mini that we’ve not covered above? Let us know in the comments below