by Retro32UK | Mar 17, 2020 | YouTube
Originally released for DOS in 1988 by Anco Software, this cheeky little title was probably the most mislabeled “game” in many teenage collections. Despite its alluring start screen I never managed to get a full “win” over Sam or Donna. Now...
by Retro32UK | Mar 15, 2020 | YouTube
If you had an Amiga back in the day then there is a high probability that X Copy was floating around your desk. This little gem of a utility allowed you to “legalyl” back up your original disks for safekeeping. Unfortunately for publishers and developers...
by Retro32UK | Mar 12, 2020 | YouTube
Don’t confuse the title of this game with something you get from not wiping you a$$ correctly. This top-down racer certainly wasn’t a sh1t stain on the pants of Acid Software’s game library, it was a bloody classic! This game represented a huge leap...
by Retro32UK | Mar 9, 2020 | YouTube
Even after all these years, Stunt Car Racer is still one of the most iconic car games available on the Amiga. In fact, it was this single floppy disk (not an original back then) that started my love affair with the Commodore after many years with Sega’s 8 and...
by Retro32UK | Mar 1, 2020 | Amiga, Gaming, YouTube
Since we’ve finally got the Elgato tuned in for my beloved Amiga 1200 it’s time to play some games! Today we’re playing The Bitmap Brothers classic Magic Pockets. This beautiful platformer stars our boy Bitmap Kid. Armed with a magical pair of...