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The Retro32 BBS is now open!
Retro32 is proud to announce the opening of our very own BBS (Bulletin Board System). Running on MysticBBS, the board is focused on the Amiga community - offering an alternative and laid-back approach without the complications of modern social media platforms and ads....
Amiga Game Selector v2 released for the Amiga A500 Mini, Pi400 and WinUAE
AGS version 2 is finally here! After just 173 days since the release of AGS 1.5, version 2.0 of the epic AGS has been released. Created by the legend of Paul Vince, AGS offers a simple games launcher (iGame) and a fully featured (and hi-resolution) Amiga desktop...
Essential viewing – h0ffman | A life in The Demoscene & Music Production | Legends in The Cave
If you're in the Amiga scene there's a high probability that you'll know of h0ffman. Musician, coder, DJ and all round nice guy. In this video from RMC h0ffman looks back on his history with the demoscene, music, games and everything in between. It's well worth the...
PiStorm32 – Amiga 1200 Classic Musashi software performance video
Check out our latest video showing the PiStorm32 performance on a PiStorm32 Lite / Raspberry Pi3A+ and Musashi. Figures are compatible with the 500 PiStorm but IMO feels like a much more mature product. This solution has already taken over daily duties from my TF1260....
PiStorm32 – Getting started guide Pt.1
Firstly, I'd like to give thanks to Claude Schwarz and the whole team involved in the PiStorm project. Without their hard work, dedication and devotion to the project there would be no PiStorm32. We, I, salute you all. You can follow Claude on Twitter...
Staff Project: Recapping an Amiga CDTV IR Remote Controller
If you've been following me on social media, you'll have seen that I've been dipping my toe into the world of SMD soldering and recapping. It's been a steep learning curve but I've managed to stumble my way through it with a little help from the Amiga wizards Paul and...
Our Amiga Products
Amiga Game Selector AGS USB stick (A500 mini – Amiga Mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga 500 USB Keyboard Adapter (HID)
£25.00 -
AMiNIMiga Official USB stick (A500 mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga Floppy Disk Writing / Copying Service (image – games – applications)
£3.50 -
A500 Mini Floppy Disk inserts x3
£4.00 – £27.00 -
Amiga 1200 / 600 Case screws (full set x 10) – Black / Silver
£3.50 -
Amiga GOTEK USB Flash Drive – Games / Demos / Utilities (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)
£30.00 -
A500 Mini Commodore overlay sticker Logo x4

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