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Knightmare – Level 1 – MSX Amiga Port by h0ffman & Toni Galvez – Exclusive Preview (A1200 OSSC)
Time for another exclusive - this time the Epic MSX game Knightmare ported by the legendary h0ffman & Toni Galvez. This video is an exclusive preview showcasing the first of 8 solid levels. Trust me when I say that this game is tough, really tough. The second...
Geezergames.co.uk launches – pre-order your Big Box games from McGeezer
Hot on the heels of the epic Turbo Sprint and continued development of Devil's Temple, Geezergames.co.uk has launched offering pre-orders on these epic Big Box titles. For those of you unfamiliar with McGeezer, he's the legend behind titles such as Turbo Sprint, Rygar...
TerribleFire TF1230 now available!
We're delighted to announce that the mighty TerribleFire TF1230 is now available from our store. This epic Amiga 1200 accelerator card offers both great performance and value and IMO is the best Amiga 1200 upgrade for your money. With a 50MHz at your disposal and up...
Zeb’s WHDLoad image Sept 21 now available for the Amiga + Bonus Intervew
For those of you who love the Amiga but struggle with setting up a Workbench install with all your favorite games, Zeb has the answer. His regular releases of his Zeb's WHDLoad contain pretty much everything you need to enjoy nearly every game, demo and disk magazine...
Amiga 600 RGB to HDMI CPLD Adapter fitting guide
Here's another video fitting guide for our exclusive Amiga 600 RGB to HDMI boards. These exclusive boards are available from our store Amiga 600 RGB to HDMI CPLD Adapter - plus loads of other Amiga goodies. As per the video, please please please take care when...
Our boy FuZioN scores first place in Flashparty 2021 “Text Art” ASCII Compo!!
Retro32 staffer and ASCII artist extraordinaire FuZioN of NeoKortex has secured first place in Flashparty 2021 ASCII Compo. His epic last-minute entry titled "txt art 4ever" secured with a win with 210pts, dominating two other strong entries in the Commodore Amiga...
Our Amiga Products
Amiga Game Selector AGS USB stick (A500 mini – Amiga Mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga 500 USB Keyboard Adapter (HID)
£25.00 -
AMiNIMiga Official USB stick (A500 mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga Floppy Disk Writing / Copying Service (image – games – applications)
£3.50 -
A500 Mini Floppy Disk inserts x3
£4.00 – £27.00 -
Amiga 1200 / 600 Case screws (full set x 10) – Black / Silver
£3.50 -
Amiga GOTEK USB Flash Drive – Games / Demos / Utilities (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)
£30.00 -
A500 Mini Commodore overlay sticker Logo x4
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