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Amiga Review: Immortal Joysticks
I don't hide the fact that I'm a "pad" gamer. Maybe that's something to do with my childhood Sega consoles, even with those less than ergonomic lines of the Mastersystem Pad, it was my first REAL home console and is a memory I will treasure. Moving to the current day,...
The Ultimate Pimiga 2.0 Guide / Installation / Setup / Tips / Tricks
Before we get into the juicy Pimiga goodness, let's clear a few things up. You SHOULD NOT pay for PiMiga 2.0 or any other version. Anyone "selling" PiMiga installation is NOT doing so lawfully. Pimiga is the brainchild of Chris Edwards (check out his YouTube Channel...
Amiga PiStorm Emu68 Setup Guide / Tutorial
Written by Adam Laidlaw "Homer0ne" - A loyal member of NAG The information in this guide can be found on other sites but here it will be in one place! I know quite a few of you are knowledgeable when it comes to most of this, but I will write this as if you know...
GP Industrial UV141 Eprom Eraser restoration
After putting together all the kit needed for Amiga kickstart ROM "burning" an Eprom eraser was the last thing on my shopping list. Whilst not completely essential, some of the ROMs I've received are very far from blank and need a quick UV bath to allow a successful...
Oculus Quest – 20 Tips for Newbies & FAQ’s Answered.
For many people, an Oculus Quest 2 was waiting under their tree Christmas morning - Thanks Santa!. Being such an affordable and accessible device it's opened the door to many newcomers to the world of VR (including me) so we thought we would share this little gem...
Meta Oculus Quest 2 link cables – FAQ
This Christmas I finally joined the VR club, Santa truly delivered with my very own Meta Oculus Quest 2. Whist he I did consider offerings from HTC, the price and flexibility of Meta's white VR headset won me over in the end. Not only does the Quest 2 offer a complete...
Our Amiga Products
Amiga Game Selector AGS USB stick (A500 mini – Amiga Mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga 500 USB Keyboard Adapter (HID)
£25.00 -
AMiNIMiga Official USB stick (A500 mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB
£25.00 – £30.00 -
Amiga Floppy Disk Writing / Copying Service (image – games – applications)
£3.50 -
A500 Mini Floppy Disk inserts x3
£4.00 – £27.00 -
Amiga 1200 / 600 Case screws (full set x 10) – Black / Silver
£3.50 -
Amiga GOTEK USB Flash Drive – Games / Demos / Utilities (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)
£30.00 -
A500 Mini Commodore overlay sticker Logo x4

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