by Retro32UK | Mar 1, 2020 | Amiga CD32, Gaming, YouTube
The Amiga CD32 version of Pinball Illusions was the pinnacle of the Pinball games on the Amiga platform. Not only did it feature those beautiful graphics and glorious table sound effects, but it also sported a full CD game music selection to accompany this wonderful...
by Retro32UK | Mar 1, 2020 | Amiga CD32, Gaming, YouTube
If like me, you were just too poor to be blessed with an Amiga CD32 back in 1993 – you can now experience what it’s like to have Commodore’s ill-fated CD “console” first hand. Our beautiful CD32 has been fully restored and recapped to...
by Retro32UK | Mar 1, 2020 | Amiga, Gaming, YouTube
Since we’ve finally got the Elgato tuned in for my beloved Amiga 1200 it’s time to play some games! Today we’re playing The Bitmap Brothers classic Magic Pockets. This beautiful platformer stars our boy Bitmap Kid. Armed with a magical pair of...
by Retro32UK | Feb 28, 2020 | Amiga, YouTube
We’re very excited to announce that our first YouTube video has been uploaded to our channel. Click here! Now don’t be expecting anything too extravagant, we’re only just getting to grips with Premier Pro and our Elgato game capture HD. We have...
by Retro32UK | Feb 26, 2020 | Amiga, Gaming
Looking for Amiga desktop backgrounds? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Please find below a selection of Retro32 Amiga desktop backgrounds for your PC, Mac. iPhone or whatever. At present these are only available in 1920 x 1080 however please let us know if...