Devils Temple: Geezer Games drops the official promo video

Devils Temple: Geezer Games drops the official promo video

The legend behind the epic Amiga titles such as Turbo Sprint, Rygar and Bomb Jack Beer edition has dropped the official promo video for the highly anticipated Amiga game: Devils Temple. Developed for Amiga OCS, ECS, AGA and upcoming A500 Mini the game will feature 10...
AmiGameJam 2022 Results are in!

AmiGameJam 2022 Results are in!

The AmiGameJam was concluded last night over on AmigaBill’s Twitch Stream which saw a total of 18 entries up for consideration by the public and key figures from the Amiga community. Hosted by AmigaBill, the stream previewed the 18 submissions and invited scores...
Amiga Review: Immortal Joysticks

Amiga Review: Immortal Joysticks

I don’t hide the fact that I’m a “pad” gamer. Maybe that’s something to do with my childhood Sega consoles, even with those less than ergonomic lines of the Mastersystem Pad, it was my first REAL home console and is a memory I will...