For those using AGS on the mini, you may have come up with an issue with either the kickstart screen showing or various volume errors when booting into AGS. In this guide, we show you how to fix it.

Why does it happen?

Unfortunately, it’s easy to cause this error in AGS or any other software distribution on the Amiga mini. By pressing the menu key on the joypad it puts you into the UAE menu. This can cause corruption in the UAE files required by AGS to function.

It’s broken 🙁

How to Fix it

In version 2.5.1 the restore configs feature is unfortunately not working as expected. You will be required to do a manual fix for this. Follow the steps below

It is also possible that other critical files have been corrected / damaged. We’d suggest that download the entire AGS package here

Paul has confirmed that the Restore Configs feature will be fixed for the next version of AGS, we’ll cover how to use that in a future article.

See below a screenshot the files on the USB stick that need to be replaced with the files from the fix.

Firmware update

We’d also strongly suggest that you update the Amiga mini with the latest firmware to ensure you get the most out of AGS. It is required to use the Pandory version of AGS. We’ve written a full guide below

How to update the A500 mini firmware – Amiga mini

AGS Writing service

If you’re struggling to create your own Amiga Game Selector USB stick you can use our wiring service officially recommended by the AGS. We sponsor AGS and help support the future development of the best Amiga mini / A500 mini software distribution / Hack / Softmod available today.

Amiga Game Selector AGS USB stick (A500 mini – Amiga Mini) distro (writing service) – 64GB USB

We have a wide range of Amiga Mini products available from our store – you can check them out here –

Any Questions / further help?

Are you still having an issue with AGS? Head on over to the Amiga Game Selector facebook group –